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Rental, horse rental, riding, horses, Copenhagen, lesiure riding, Charlottenlund, Gentofte, hesteudlejning, ridning, Dyrehave

Krathusgaarden of 1920


Luxury riding in Dyrehaven and Rude Skov with the geatest love for horses. ​ ​


At Krathusgaard, we take animal welfare very seriously. This means that our horses (unlike many riding schools and other horse rentals) only ride a few times a week on short trips. They are therefore not overused - and they are thereby happy and fresh for their next trip with you. We also want the horses to have several days off per week, as well as long holidays on grass. when you ride with us, you are helping to support horse welfare. ​


The horses are the dearest to us and we use much energy to give and the horse the best experience. With us, there are only expensive and well-trained horses at your sevice. You are always guaranteed a good match! if one horse doesn't suit you or your level of riding - you just get one of our other fantastic horses. We aim to match you with your favorite horse.


  ​ The horses with us are trained by professional trainers and every horse is carefully selected for this purpose. The vast majority of the young horses, which are trained every year, are sold on, as the task of being a lesure horse at our stable requires much training and a certain mentality of the horse.


Therefore, we do everything to ensure that you (and the horse) have the best time with us! ​


Read more here (at the bottom of the page) about our great work for high animal welfare and your safety

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You can follow the everyday life, and get a deeper insight into the training of our horses – from youngsters to riding horses, see arrivals of our foals and watch them grow up, or get an idea of the riding excursions and events that we offer in Dyrehaven.

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